Monday, September 15, 2008


My counts stayed up, I didn't run a fever over 100.5F, and I am GOING HOME TODAY!!! I'm so happy I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. Things have been kinda crazy busy this morning because the doctor didn't come by for rounds until 10:00, which is pretty late. I won't actually get out of here until late this afternoon, but in addition to getting to go home, they are taking the central line out this morning!!! YAYAY!!! I have liked having it in, because it makes the IVs and stuff easy, but now that I should only need a few more blood draws, I'm ready to get rid of it. The two dongles that hang off it are pretty annoying after awhile, especially during sleep. I don't know how may times I've rolled over in my sleep and the dongle has poked me waking me up.

Anyway, very exciting news and seeing as I haven't even started packing, I have to cut today's note short. I'll keep posting during my follow up. TTFN, T


Lisa Hurst said...

Travis - Mimi Greene just forwarded me the link to your blogspot, and I am SO happy to read all your notes and to hear how well you're doing! I think of you so often! Keep your chin up!

KLA said...

Way to Go, TRAV! Welcome home.

Unknown said...

I've been following along your struggles and successes are such a strong person and an inspiration, congratulations!
-Josh, Christy, Abby, Annabelle

Jeff Abbott said...

Fantastic news! Let us know how you're doing when you're settled back home, but enjoy the time back with Honore and Hope.

marianne said...

Congratulations, Travis!! We are thrilled, thrilled, thrilled for you!! Hope at this very moment you are snuggled in at home, happy and comfortable, with your family around you. You did it!!
Love, Marianne & Pete Trotter

Alex Geee said...

Hey Trav, glad to learn that your progress is positive. Annika and wanted to let you know that we are expecting our first child in May of 09. We are looking forward to sailing with you in 2009 as well.
God Bless.
Alex G