Monday, August 4, 2008

Big day tomorrow

My blood counts today were good. They were low, as expected, but high enough that once again I did NOT need a blood transfusion. This is great because it means my bone marrow continues to respond even though its been through three rounds of R-ICE. It also sets me up for a really good harvest next week, which is terrific.

Tomorrow's a big day because Mom, Dad and I are going down to Northwestern Memorial Hospital to confer with the blood bank, as required by law in fact, and then get my neupogen for this weekend's injections(Honi has to do those. She's very excited, its make up time for the years of infertility injections I had to perform on her. I'm kinda frightened.) and finally visit the facility where I will be staying next month. I'm a little nervous because going there and seeing it makes it all the more real.

Somehow, I've been able to keep things at an arms distance, in terms of actually having to go through the transplant, but tomorrow that all comes crashing to a halt. I'll be fine, but its still nerve wracking.

Big thunderstorms tonight missed us, but made for an interesting evening. Talk to ya tomorrow.


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